1.30pm – Saturday, 5 June 2021.
To: CCF Victoria staff, members and industry stakeholders.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – From the CEO desk.
I am conscious that there is considerable information in the media and on Government websites in relation to the current circuit breaker lockdown restrictions.
While not wanting to overload members and key stakeholders with every announcement as they are being made, I do want to make sure you are all kept abreast of directions being issued by Government in response to enquiries being made and feedback from briefing sessions. This will enable you to make appropriate determinations in regards to how these restrictions may apply to the civil construction activities being undertaken by your business.
CLICK HERE to download some “frequently asked questions” (FAQ’s) that have been published this morning in response to issues raised following the DJPR Industry Information Sessions conducted over the last 24 – 48 hours. In addition, I have attached a copy of the DJPR presentation that I participated in covering the June 2 announcements, the extension of the 7 day circuit breaker lockdown in Greater Melbourne and the easing of restrictions in Regional Victoria.
I trust they are self-explanatory.
While many of these responses are targeted towards the “vertical build and housing construction sectors”, for a detailed overview of the changes you can refer to the COVIDSafe Settings, table of restrictions, regional-metro residence checking requirements, definition of Metro Melbourne, Service VIC QR Code, and the authorised providers and authorised workers list.
The current Restricted Activity Directions that came into effect at 11.59pm, Thursday 3 June are also available here. Please note there are separate Directions for Regional Victoria and for Metropolitan Melbourne.
If any CCF members need clarification of particular details, please do not hesitate to personally email me and I will subsequently follow-up with the relevant Government Department and Agencies on your behalf, to obtain an appropriate response and clarification.
Until my next update …. keep well – keep safe.
Kind regards