During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, our priority has continued to be the safe and secure delivery of essential water and sewerage services, and to ensure the health and safety of our community, employees and contractors.
In accordance with the requirements of the Victorian Government and as a part of Barwon Water and Barwon Asset Solutions (BAS)’ COVID Safe Plans – we will be adopting the Victorian Government QR code sign-in process, in addition to our existing SMS “ACCESS” process. All contractors/suppliers must adhere to this advice and consider what needs to be done for your own controlled sites.
If you are attending a site and going indoors, you must SMS “Access” to 0408 361 735 before entering the site and check in with the QR code at the entrance of any building you need to enter. This includes entering a building for sign-in purposes only.
If you are only conducting an outdoor visit (eg deliveries) where you do not need to sign-in to the site register, you only need to SMS “ACCESS” to 0408 361 735 before entering the site.
Our main sites will have signage and QR codes at the entrance to buildings to support this process.
If you require further information, please get in touch with your Barwon Water or BAS representative. Your contract manager will also soon be in touch to check in and to gain an understanding of any updated controls.
Please ensure you and your staff re-familiarise yourselves with the Barwon Water and BAS existing controls below:
COVID Safe Plan
In accordance with Victorian Government requirements – and as a part of our own COVID Safe Plan – it is mandatory for all contractors, suppliers and their sub-contractors to have a COVID Safe Plan (other than small businesses with fewer than five employees). This is a requirement before they can access any Barwon Water or BAS sites. You must review and update your COVID Safe plans and SWMS documents based on the latest restrictions. Check out our website for a copy of the Barwon Water COVID Safe plan.
Standard Operating Procedure – Visitors to treatment sites
Any contractor or visitor to a treatment site must abide by the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The purpose of the SOP is to provide all visitors or contractors guidance and awareness of our expectations on physical distancing, hygiene and relevant PPE requirements while visiting or conducting work at Barwon Water Treatment sites. Your Barwon Water or BAS representative will provide you with a copy of the latest SOP.
Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) – COVID-19 precautions
This document must be used to ensure hazards associated with coronavirus are considered and controlled when contractors working on behalf of Barwon Water or BAS are required to perform tasks that potentially increase their or others risk of being exposed to coronavirus. This SWMS must be used whenever there is a risk of interfacing with another person, including BAS crew, operators, contractors and members of the public. This document is to be used and filed with a Barwon Water or BAS representative in conjunction with the normal task / job-specific SWMS, SOP or JSEA. Your Barwon Water or BAS representative will provide you with a copy of the latest SWMS.
Worksite assessment checklist – Contractor managed sites
This checklist is to ensure sites managed by contractors maintain the correct controls and processes in response to coronavirus. The form is to be completed weekly for each site and submitted to your Barwon Water or BAS representative. Your Barwon Water or BAS representative will provide you with a copy of the latest worksite assessment checklist.
Contractors working for Barwon Water or BAS must wear a fitted face mask when working indoors (except when working alone with controls in place) and outdoors where you can’t maintain physical distance of 1.5 meters from others. This includes sub-contractors and suppliers they engage to provide services for you, for example, delivery drivers. Entry will not be permitted to any personnel without a face mask on your person. Thank you for your support in helping ensure our work sites are kept safe. If you have any questions about these critical site safety requirements, please contact your contract manager immediately.