“New check in process keeping our sites COVID-19 safe”

Barwon water has provided a letter to all suppliers advising of new improved site access procedures. It is following an earlier e-mail August 5th that it is mandatory to have a Covid Safe Plan (other than small businesses with fewer than five employees).

The letter reads:

New check in process keeping our sites COVID-19 safe

As a supplier to Barwon Water, we are writing to let you know we have improved our site access procedures, replacing the previous Health Declaration Form.

Now when you come to any of our staffed Barwon Water or Barwon Asset Solutions sites, you will see a new poster displayed at the entrance, asking you to text the word “ACCESS” to a mobile number, and to follow the prompts sent to you.  

We have developed this online check in process to ensure we keep central records in line with Department of Health and Human Services requirements.

You will need to confirm that you are not experiencing any symptoms, that you have the required PPE and will follow physical distancing and hygiene rules, and that your business has its own COVID Safe Plan in place.

If you answer incorrectly to any of these questions, you will receive a clear ‘Access Denied’ message, explaining that you must not enter and only return when you feel better or have the correct PPE or have a business-specific COVID Safe Plan in place.

COVID Safe Plan reminder

Following the e-mail we sent you on 5 August, remember that, in accordance with the requirements of the Victorian Government — and as a part of our COVID Safe Plan — it is mandatory for Barwon Water suppliers to have a COVID Safe Plan (other than small businesses with fewer than five employees).

This is now a requirement before you can access any Barwon Water or Barwon Asset Solutions sites, so please make sure your teams, subcontractors, delivery drivers or suppliers are aware.

Your plan should address supporting workers to not attend work if they are unwell or diagnosed with coronavirus (COVID-19), or if they are a close contact of a confirmed case. It should also provide clear messaging for your subcontractors, agency and casual staff regarding their responsibilities’ and entitlements if they are unable to attend work.

For more information and assistance, please visit the Business Victoria website.

Mandatory face masks

It is mandatory for everyone visiting a Barwon Water or Barwon Asset Solutions site to wear a face mask for the duration of time spent there. This includes contractors, but also your sub-contractors and suppliers you engage to provide services for you, for example delivery drivers.

Entry will not be permitted to any personnel without a face mask.
Our “mask requirements” resource outlines the appropriate use of face coverings and masks, informs you of the difference between the two, what types should be used for what activities, and safe and appropriate use of these items.

Please note that this does not supersede the need for physical distancing, or the wearing of any job specific PPE, which still must be worn in accordance with our safety management procedures.

The best ways to reduce transmission of coronavirus remain the same – keeping a physical distance of 1.5 metres, good hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette and staying home if you are unwell.

Workplace requirements

To ensure you are aware of the latest government requirements (including those people needing to adhere to Stage 4 restriction requirements), please remember to regularly review the current WorkSafe COVID-19 workplace requirements and ensure that these are understood by any sub-contractors or suppliers you engage to help deliver your services.

Thank you for keeping our sites and team safe during these times.