Revision 10 of the Building and Construction Industry COVID-19 Guidelines are issued as of today’s date 17 February 2021. These Guidelines are intended to take effect immediately for those sites that are continuing to operate in compliance with the current “Circuit Breaker Action” and for sites returning to work upon the “lockdown” restrictions being lifted, subject to any other Directions issued by DHHS and the Victorian Government.
Consistent with DHHS Workplace Directions No 19, issued 12 February 2021, the following are the major updates:
1. 2021 – New Variants of the Coronavirus
The Guidelines now acknowledge the risks posed by new variants of the
coronavirus, the extended State of Emergency in Victoria and current Workplace
Directions (No 19).
Refer Preamble
2. Public Exposure Sites
Worker declarations have been amended to ensure that persons who have
attended public exposure sites at the nominated times (as declared by the
Department of Health) do not attend site.
Refer sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 and Flow chart page 33
3. Face Masks
Face masks are again required to be carried and worn at all times, unless
exemptions apply. Note that DHHS Workplace Directions in relation to face
masks may change following the “Circuit Breaker Action” – ensure compliance with the applicable Workplace Directions in force from time to time.
Refer section 3.8
4. Density Quotient/Physical Distancing
The total number of workers in areas at any one time including in crib rooms, must meet the density quotient of 1 person per 2 sq metres AND ensure physical distancing of 1.5 metres is maintained.
Refer section 3.9
5. Ventilation and Air Flow in enclosed spaces
Reference is now included to the risk posed by airborne transmission of the
coronavirus and measures that should be taken to improve ventilation and
airflow in enclosed areas.
Refer section 3.9.10
Importantly, employers are reminded to amend their Construction COVIDSafe Plans accordingly and as always, to consult with employees and their representatives in doing so.
Other useful websites to stay up to date:
Sector guidance for Construction businesses within metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria:
DHHS latest Coronavirus updates:
Please call 1300 DIAL CCF if you require further information.