Thursday, 1 July 2021.
To: CCF Victoria staff, members and industry stakeholders.
New Environment Protection Act (2018) effective 1 July 2021 – From the CEO desk
Good morning.
Today a new Environmental laws come into effect and I am forwarding this notice from the CEO – Environmental Protection Authority, Lee Miezis, for your reference (refer below under my note & signatory).
Under the new Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018 all Victorians now have an obligation to comply with the General Environmental Duty, (GED) which requires businesses to minimise risks to the environment and human health from their activities.
CCF has worked extensively and collaboratively with the EPA over the last 2 ½ years as “Your Voice” in the in drafting the new GED’s and supporting reference documents on the Construction Industry Reference Group (CIRG). Our role has been to ensure that these laws and documents are practical and relevant, cognisant of the operating environment and conditions experienced in the civil construction industry.
I would like to acknowledge the excellent contribution and support given to us on the CIRG by our technical consultant and HSEQ Advisor, Geoff Reynolds (GRM Consulting). I want to thank Geoff for his personal support and work on the CIRG for and on behalf of not only CCF members, but all contractors, clients and key stakeholders in our industry. This work has been invaluable.
I am sure there will be many questions from CCF members as the new laws come into effect and CCF is here to support you in this regard. You can contact a member of the CCF team on 1300 DIAL CCF, or Geoff Reynolds directly on mobile 0400 051 209.
Also, just a reminder to the attached recent email sent to you providing EPA Training on the new Environmental Laws through Civil Train. This Online training and education relating to the new laws is now available through the CCF- EPA Industry Partnership program.
I encourage you to avail yourself to this offer from CCF, which is being provided to the civil construction industry “FREE” up until the end of July.
Until my next update- keep well – keep safe.
Kind regards