To: CCF Victoria staff, members and stakeholders.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – From the CEO desk.

Good morning.

As we start to get back into the full “swing of things,” I thought it was important to provide you all with the latest COVID-19 update and how this may affect you and our industry.

1. Latest Snapshot (as at 27 January 2021)

The above set of numbers are extremely pleasing and a reflection of all the great work that is going on across Government, business and the broader community.  It is also fair to say that the interstate outbreaks in Queensland and NSW are under control with business and community restrictions being relaxed in both states. Victoria, gatherings in homes also increased from 15 to 30 visitors, from midnight 22 January 2021.

The Australian Open Tennis is still attracting much media interest in relation to how COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria (CQV) is handling both the international travellers who have tested positive but also how they handle contacts with those cases.

2. Victorian Cases By Age and Gender

At the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many of us, including myself, thought it was a virus that only older or more vulnerable people might get. The following chart recently circulated to me graphically shows how wrong this was, with the majority of the 20,000+ persons testing positive in the 20-30 year age bracket.

3. Victorian Travel Permit System

As previously advised, the Victorian Travel Permit System is in place for travellers wanting to enter Victoria.  Greater Sydney, Wollongong and the Blue Mountains are zoned Orange which means that you can enter Victoria with a permit provided you get tested within 72 hours and self-quarantine until you have a negative result.  The rest of NSW and other Australian states are zoned Green (Greater Brisbane from 6pm tonight) which means that you can enter with a permit and simply monitor for any COVID-19 symptoms.  Full details of these updated conditions can be found on the DHHS website and Travel Permit Applications can be made through the Service Victoria portal.

4. New South Wales zone changes

As of 6:00pm (Victorian AEDT) Friday 22 January 2021, The Greater Sydney Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Blacktown City, Burwood, Canada Bay City, Canterbury-Bankstown, Fairfield City, Inner West, Liverpool City, Parramatta City and Strathfield Municipality will join the rest of Greater Sydney, Wollongong and Blue Mountains as orange zones.  Cumberland LGA will remain a red zone. People from Cumberland are still not permitted to travel to Victoria without an exemption, exception or essential worker permit. Those who have already applied for an exemption application will not need to reapply.

The updated orange zone listing overrides the previous classification as a red zone and applies to the last 14 days. Anyone who is now in an orange zone and meets the permit criteria can now apply for an Orange Zone Permit from 6:00pm on Friday 22 January 2021.  Travel from an orange zone requires people to self-isolate, get tested within 72 hours of arrival and remain in quarantine until they receive a negative result. Travel from a green zone requires people to watch and get tested if they have any symptoms at all. Travellers must also confirm they have not been in the remaining red zone of Cumberland within the past 14 days (other than for transit), have not been in close contact with a coronavirus (COVID-19) case and do not have any symptoms.  Exemption applications will no longer be required for those LGAs being downgraded to an orange zone – unless people have also been in a red zone in the last 14 days – and will not be considered. People can apply for an Orange Zone Permit via the Service Victoria website. 

5. Queensland zone changes

The Victorian Chief Health Officer has now declared all areas of Queensland to be green zones. From 6:00pm on Friday 22 January 2021 a person who has been in Queensland for the last 14 days can apply for a Green Zone Permit. You cannot enter Victoria without a Green Zone Permit unless an exemption, exception, Specified Worker Permit or Freight Worker Permit applies.

# All exemptions are reviewed by the Chief Health Officer, or their delegate, and take up to 48 hours to process.  You can apply for an exemption by calling the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398 or via the online form.

Full details of the latest updated conditions can be found on the DHHS website at – queensland-zone-changes – greater-sydney-update – new-south-wales-border-towns

CCF Bulletin eMagazine (2021 Summer Edition)

Many of you will have received an email with an electronic version of our latest CCF Bulletin Magazine (2021 – Summer Edition). For those of you who may have missed the email, here is a link to the CCF Bulletin eMagazine.

I encourage all CCF members and industry stakeholders to take the time out to catch up on the latest news, stories and information on industry regulations.  In particular you will see our 2021 Events Calendar   In addition, our scheduled list of Training courses through until the end of April  Please contact the team on 1300 DIAL CCF for more details.

Until my next update …. keep well – keep safe.

Kind regards,