To: CCF Victoria staff, members and stakeholders.

Good morning.

As reported in yesterday’s CEO update, the Building and Construction Industry is now able to transition to the Third Step (Open with a COVIDSafe Plan) from midnight last night.

There are no workforce restrictions in the Third Step either in numbers or ability to attend multiple sites on a day or during the working week. Repairs and renovations on occupied premises are now allowed, subject to creation of a risk assessed barrier being created with the occupants.

In meetings conducted with government officials over the last 24 hours, we were informed that the Building and Construction industry would no longer be considered to be a (COVID-19) high risk industry. This means that from today, projects are no longer required to have a High Risk COVIDSafe Plan, only a COVIDSafe plan. The prudent course of action for projects already operating under a High Risk COVIDSafe Plan would be to continue to do so. However, any new projects will only be required to have a COVIDSafe Plan in place from today.

So just to re-cap:

The following easing of restrictions applied from 11:59pm on Tuesday 27 October 2020

  • construction moving to the Third Step in Metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria;
  • workforce limits removed for small and large-scale construction, and early stage land development;
  • construction will be removed from the high-risk industry list, and will no longer require a High Risk COVIDSafe plan;

This is a significant and important step as the State Government begins to re-open Victoria’s economy.  Information, including updated directions, guidelines, and FAQs are now available online and continue to be updated in the coming days (

Important reminders and next steps:

While restrictions ease, we continue to face the significant risk of COVID-19 for the foreseeable future. This requires industry, business and the community to remain vigilant on COVIDSafe principles and best practice.

All businesses in the sector are still required to have a COVIDSafe plan in order to operate. Existing High Risk COVIDSafe plans are still valid and can be used provided they continue to align to current public health and industry directions.

The COVIDSafe Principles must become part of everyday operations:

  • ensure physical distancing (1.5 m);
  • wear a face mask;
  • practice good hygiene;
  • keep good records and act quickly if staff become unwell;
  • avoid interactions in close spaces;
  • create workforce bubbles;

Until my next update …. keep well – keep safe.

Kind regards

John Kilgour

CEO, CCF Victoria