To: CCF Victoria staff, members and stakeholders.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – From the CEO Desk.
Good morning.
Further to my CEO Updates circulated over the last 36 hours, I have fielded a number of calls from CCF members seeking clarification on the publishing of FAQ’s, the introduction of COVID Marshalls on construction sites, together with the transition period for introducing the new “High Risk” COVIDSafe Plans and glitches with its’ hyperlinks. All of which I am pleased to say have been addressed.
“High Risk” COVIDSafe Plans
I have fielded a number of questions yesterday asking …. “do I need to complete another High Risk COVIDSafe Plan, even though I have one?” The short answer is … YES.
It is a new integrated version of the document endorsed by the Chief Health Officer (CHO) aligned to Directions No 6 issued in my previous update. You will note that there is a “one week grace period” for transitioning to the new document and this will enable you to continue operations in the interim period until your plan is compete and embedded within your business operations.
The High Risk COVIDSafe plan provided by DJPR and subsequently circulated by me on Sunday night had a number of glitches / errors (ie: section 4 repeats in the information boxes and previous information is lost). I have downloaded the latest updated version (pdf) for your use. Click here to view. I have requested that this also be provided in word version for ease of editing (as per previous releases) but I am yet to receive formal response. I note that the attached plan is the only version on the Business Victoria website. A link to the relevant section on the website is available here.
For contractors in Regional Victoria, you will continue to operate with a COVIDSafe Plan in place.
COVID Marshal (formerly monitor)
We have received conformation this morning that with the latest “High Risk” COVIDSafe Plan, it is recommended not mandated that a COVID Marshal be implemented for each large-scale construction worksite. COVID Marshals are responsible for supporting site compliance and providing advice on appropriate physical distancing, hygiene and records requirements detailed in the roadmap.
The COVID Marshal must undergo basic infection control awareness training. You can find this training at or . It is recommended that Marshals are also trained in providing First Aid (Level 2). Multiple people can fulfil the Marshall role, as long as there is always one dedicated Marshall onsite while works are occurring.
While a COVID Marshal is not mandated, I encourage all Supervisors, Project Managers and HSE representatives to complete the basic infection control awareness training. More information regarding this is contained in the guidance at the end of the “High Risk” COVIDSafe Plan.
FAQ’s (Business Victoria Website)
I have attached the latest FAQ’s released yesterday by DJPR on the Business Victoria website. This will answer many of your questions and queries relating to recent announcements. Should you have any specific questions you would like answered, I am happy to table these with Government and seek an answer for you and the broader CCF membership base.
Industry Restart Guidelines – General and Safety FAQ’s
Industry Restart Guidelines – Early Stage Land Development FAQ’s
Industry Restart Guidelines – Small Scale Construction FAQ’s
Industry Restart Guidelines – Large Scale Construction FAQ’s
FAQ responses will be regularly updated on the Business Victoria website and I encourage you to regularly check via the attached link.
Until my next update …. keep well – keep safe.
Kind regards
John Kilgour
CEO, CCF Victoria