Employer Survey on Skills in the Building and Construction Industry
The Office of the Victorian Skills Commissioner (OVSC), in partnership with the Industry Workforce Development Group (IWDG), is seeking input from all businesses engaged with the Victorian building, construction and civil sector.
The IWDG consists of representatives from the Air Conditioning & Mechanical Contractors’ Association (AMCA), Civil Contractors Federation (CCF), Construction Forestry Maritime Mining Energy Union (CFMEU), Plumbing and Pipe Trades Employees Union (PPTEU), Master Builders Association of Victoria (MBAV), Master Plumbers Australia (MPA) and the National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA).
They have designed a survey which will help inform recommendations and improvements to the industry, with particular focus on workforce supply and quality required to meet Victoria’s current and future needs. Your response and contribution through this survey is crucial to informing those recommendations and improvements.
About the Survey
This survey aims to understand the current landscape and critical challenges facing businesses in the industry, with a particular focus on workforce supply and quality. For the purposes of this survey, a business includes sole traders through to large corporations. We are seeking one response per firm. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers, and we appreciate any feedback you can provide.
Please answer all of the questions you are able to. Note that if you exit the survey before you have completed all questions you will not be able to resume your response later.
Confidentiality and Privacy
The survey is being undertaken on behalf of the OVSC by Nous Group (Nous), an independent consulting firm. Your views and suggestions will help inform a paper written by Nous for the OVSC. The information you provide will remain confidential – it will remain with Nous and will not be passed on to the OVSC except in aggregate form (for example, summary tables). Information from this survey will be anonymous and we will not be able to identify who provided each response. We will ask you to generate a unique code so that we can link the data from each of your completed surveys, however this will not identify you as the individual completing the surveys. Your name will not be included in the final report.
Contact Details
If you have any questions regarding Nous’ work for the OVSC or this survey please contact Hamish Ride (hamish.ride@nousgroup.com.au).
Survey Link