Victorian labour hire workers now have stronger safeguards with the state’s first Labour Hire Licensing Scheme starting on the 29th April 2019.
Labour hire providers have six months to obtain a licence or else face significant penalties.
The Andrews Government is implementing the scheme to bring a new level of integrity and scrutiny to the labour hire industry and keep workers safe and free from exploitation.
The independent Victorian Inquiry into the Labour Hire Industry and Insecure Work -a key election promise- uncovered widespread abuse, underpayment and exploitation in the sector, which includes commercial cleaners, fruit pickers and meat workers.
The Authority has held more 30 information sessions since March to help providers understand their obligations.
The sessions have involved industries such as security, cleaning, meat processing, fruit and vegetable harvesting and processing, vocational training, finance, consulting and IT, healthcare, manufacturing, accommodation, construction and transport.
A further public information campaign to inform both contractors and the host businesses who use labour hire workers will begin today.
To obtain a licence, contractors will be require to pass a “fit and proper person test” and show compliance with workplace laws, labour hire laws and minimum accommodation standards. They will also need to report annually on their activities.
Host employers that use unlicensed providers face maximum fines of more than $500,000.