With the new AustRoads Traffic Management Reforms in place for industry from 2024, CCF Victoria is assisting current industry Temporary Traffic Management Workers transition via RPL. This enables experienced Traffic Management Workers, Implementers and Designers to demonstrate competence under the new AustRoads National Training Framework without the need to fulfill the full training requirements that a new entrant into the industry is required to fulfill.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) means an assessment process that assesses the competency/s of an individual that may have been acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual meets the requirements specified in the training package or VET accredited courses.

Applicants will be required to submit specific evidence to CCF Victoria of current evidence working in the Traffic Management Industry, including the validation from your Traffic Employer. Successful and satisfactory evidence will progress the applicant to (if TC RPL’s, to a short knowledge test, and) an interview with one of CCF Victoria’s AustRoads Approved TMR Assessors. An enrolment into the RPL Process does not guarantee a successful outcome, and a recommendation of full training may be applied for those unable to submit the required data, or demonstrate the necessary knowledge required.

All the RPLs are a nationally recognised Skill Set and is delivered by Civil Contractors Federation (Victoria Branch), a Registered Training Organisation (RTO Number 3704) and an AustRoads approved training provider.

RPL Prerequisites

Qualifications Table
Skill Set Preview RPL Prerequisites
TC1 - Traffic Controller - Category 1 Roads View Requirements
TC2 - Traffic Controller - Category 2 Roads View Requirements
TMI1 - Traffic Management Implementer - Category 1 Roads View Requirements
TMI2 - Traffic Management Implementer - Category 2 Roads View Requirements
TMI3 - Traffic Management Implementer - Category 3 Roads View Requirements
TMD1 - Traffic Management Designer - Category 1 Roads View Requirements
TMD2 - Traffic Management Designer - Category 2 Roads View Requirements
TMD3 - Traffic Management Designer - Category 3 Roads View Requirements

CCF RPL Process

  • Read the AustRoads RPL Fact Sheet
  • Check the Pre-Requisites required for your specific RPL level
  • Review the RPL industry evidence requirements relevant to the your specific RPL level
  • Ensure you are suitable for RPL, or contact RPL Assessor to via traffic@ccfvic.com.au Please be sure to note the skills sets you would like to RPL and leave your phone contact details)
  • Enrol into the RPL Level required using the link at the bottom of the page
  • You will receive an invoice depending on the courses selected which needs to be paid before the RPL process.
  • CCF Victoria Will be in contact via email to release the formal RPL kit for you to complete and submit. (For TC RPL’s, a short test will also be released)
  • CCF Victoria will arrange an interview time with a CCF AustRoads Approved Assessor

** NOTE: CCF Victoria may require further evidence to reach a decision and an enrolment into the RPL Process does not guarantee a successful outcome, and a recommendation of full training may be applied for those unable to submit the required data, or demonstrate the necessary knowledge required.


Formatted Table
Individual Course RPL CCF Member Fee Non Member Fee
TC1 - Traffic Controller - Category 1 Roads $299 $449
TC2 - Traffic Controller - Category 2 Roads $350 $575
TMI 1 - Traffic Management Implementer - Category 1 Roads $375 $675
TMI 2 - Traffic Management Implementer - Category 2 Roads $450 $750
TMI 3 - Traffic Management Implementer - Category 3 Roads $499 $799
TMD 1 - Traffic Management Designer - Category 1 Roads $525 $774
TMD 2 - Traffic Management Designer - Category 2 Roads $699 $899
TMD 3 - Traffic Management Designer - Category 3 Roads $899 $1099
Formatted Table
COMBO Course RPLS CCF Member Fee Non-Member Fee
TC1 and TMI1 - Traffic Controller and Traffic Management Implementer for Category 1 Roads $725 $770
TC1, TC2, TMI1, and TMI2 - Traffic Controller and Traffic Management Implementer Category 1 and 2 Roads $1295 $1400
TC1, TC2, TMI1, TMI2, and TMI3 - Traffic Controller for Category 1 and 2 Roads and Traffic Management Implementer for Category 1, 2, and 3 Roads $1800 $1900
TMD1, TMD2, and TMD3 - Traffic Management Designer for Category 1, 2, and 3 Roads $1825 $1975


On-site Group Training Available

Are you an employer with a large group of employees that need training? Civil Train can arrange RPL interview and test for you at your site, ensuring you meet the delivery requirements for the program. Contact our group booking coordinator for available dates and cost via E: fdoherty@ccfvic.com.au or P: 03 9588 7600 (Ext. 117)