The Victorian Government has announced last June the commencement of a Registration of Interest (ROI) process for local and global firms to help deliver the Suburban Rail Loop.

The start of engagement is the next major step to make the project a reality. The ROI will help government assess which organisations have the experience and capability to be part of the biggest transport investment ever undertaken in Victoria.

The search is open to firms with a variety of capabilities including designers, engineers, rail systems providers, rail operators, rolling stock providers, investors, financiers, and architects.

The Suburban Rail Loop is a new rail network linking Melbourne’s middle suburbs, with new stations connecting major railway lines from the Frankston line to the Werribee line via Melbourne Airport.

The transformational project would be the biggest transport investment undertaken in Victoria. It will change the way people move around Melbourne – enabling Victorians to get to major suburban employment, education and health precincts without having to travel in and out of the CBD.

The project will take thousands of passengers off existing rail lines and 200,000 cars off our major roads, it’s anticipated to also create more than 20,000 jobs during construction.

The ROI announcement follows the commencement of an extensive stakeholder engagement process for Suburban Rail Loop, focusing on Stage One – the South East Section, between Cheltenham and Box Hill.

As detailed planning gathers pace, the Andrews Labor Government will seek input from communities, local government, peak bodies, as well as key stakeholders along the proposed corridor. We have started briefing Local Government stakeholders in the cities of Whitehorse, Monash and Kingston.

Further consultation will follow, as well as the beginning of site investigations – expected to start later this year – including ecology and geotechnical studies.  General precincts and a broad alignment have been identified for the Suburban Rail Loop, but specific station locations are yet to be finalised.

Alignment options and station locations will be considered as part of the development work and the site investigations will provide an understanding of ground conditions and environmental considerations.

All registrations of interest should be lodged at Further information is available at