3.00pm – Thursday, 27 May 2021.
To: CCF Victoria staff, members and industry stakeholders.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – From the CEO desk.
Good afternoon.
On the advice of our public health team, Victoria will move to circuit breaker restrictions from 11:59pm tonight. These settings will remain in place until 11:59pm on 3 June.
At his Media Conference this morning, the Acting Premier James Merlino, stated that this 7 day circuit breaker “lockdown” is based on the public health experts’ prime concern in just how fast the B1.617.1 variant is moving. A copy of the Acting Premier’s Media Statement is attached for your reference, or via the following link https://www.premier.vic.gov.au/statement-acting-premier-1.
I have fielded many calls from CCF members following the media Conference about what this 7 day circuit breaker “lock down” period means for the civil construction industry. Based on the attached 7 day circuit breaker restrictions published on the DHS website and via the link below, you will note that there is a detailed list of “Authorised Providers” whose businesses can OPEN under circuit breaker restrictions. It also states that if their employees are unable to work from home, they can leave home to attend work.
Under the classification of “Authorised Providers”, CONSTRUCTION is listed. It also lists under “Authorised Workers” being anyone who performs work that is essential for the continued operation of an “Authorised Provider.”
Our interpretation of this advice is clear and CCF members are invited to make their own determination of these Restrictions as it applies to their respective business and business activities. Advice from the State Government in a briefing session this afternoon stated that the definition of construction includes broader construction including civil construction activities. It was also advised that there will be no worker permit system to be applied and I would encourage CCF members to monitor the Coronavirus website for regular updates from Government pertinent to our sector. https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-sector-guidance-construction
It goes without saying but this 7 day circuit breaker lock down is a “wake up” call for all in our community and our industry. I encourage all of you to continue to play your part through adherence to your COVIDSafe Plans that you have in place, including compliance to the Building & Construction Industry Working Group Safety Guidelines (version 12). This compliance is the very foundation that will ensure we can keep our industry “open and safe”. Please refer to the attached for the latest version of the Guidelines (explanatory note & guidelines), or the following link.
I will continue to monitor the situation and continue to provide you with regular updates as relevant decisions are made and information comes to hand.
Until my next update …. keep well – keep safe.
Kind regards