Hosted by John Kilgour, CEO CCF Victoria, this webinar welcomes subject matter experts from both the EPA and Greencap.
Representatives from EPA Victoria will be presenting on the recently released Environment Protection Regulations, the changes they will introduce to the EPA’s operations, and the corresponding affect on the Civil Construction Industry.
Victoria’s new environment protection legislation is intended to commence on 1 July 2021. This is the most significant reform to our state’s environment protection laws and regulations in the 50 years of EPA’s existence..
Given the challenges of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Victorian Government decided to postpone commencement of the new environment protection legislation by one year. In December 2020, the proposed final versions of the subordinate legislation — the regulations and environment reference standard (ERS) were released.
The proposed final Regulations and ERS represent the endorsed policy position of the Victorian Government. This follows extensive consultation with business and community across 2019 and 2020.
Guest Speakers:
Stephen Gatford – Regulator Reform | EPA Victoria
Stephen Gatford is the Program Manager for Regulatory Reform in EPA’s Policy and Regulation Unit and has worked with the EPA for over 11 years. Stephen and his team have been responsible for drafting key parts of the new Environment Protection Regulations.
Dru Marsh, Manager – Internal Review | EPA Victoria
Dru assisted in the policy development and drafting of Victoria’s new Environment Protection Act and its supporting regulations. As part of EPA’s transformation division he has been advising on implementation of the new Act and has been a key author on policy and guidance development on the new contaminated land scheme. He is presently establishing EPA’s new internal review unit that will receive and undertake review requests of remedial notices issued under the new Act.
Risk and Safety Management specialists, Greencap will be also be presenting on key areas to take into account in recognition of the new EPA Regulations, including:
- Key aspects of where the new environmental legislation and regulations will change environmental requirements as part of civil works.
- How support from suitably qualified environmental consultants will be critical under the new legislation and regulations (e.g. waste classification and handling).
- Case studies of where practices of the past can continue and where practices will need to change with examples of good practices and those that could result in EPA enforcement action.
- Information on how Greencap can support contractors with further information and advice on key environmental aspects affecting civil contractors.
Guest Speaker:
Peter Oxnam, Principal Consultant – Environment
Peter has been working in the environmental industry for over 20 years working across local government, consulting, petroleum, infrastructure projects and defence sites. Peter has led a number of major projects in both environmental site assessment and remediation sites across Australia.
Peter is currently part of the EPA/DELWP Contaminated Land Stakeholder Working Group – Subordinate Legislation Reform Program for the development of new Victorian environmental regulations.
Peter is also project managing EPA’s Small Business Pilot program for the VACC and Dry Cleaning Industry Association which covers implementation of the new Environmental Legislation across motor vehicle workshops and commercial dry cleaners.
These presentations will be followed by a Q&A panel session.
This is your opportunity to hear from recognised subject matter experts.
Don’t miss out! Book your place today!