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CCF represents the interests of members on a wide range of industry issues through participation in key Reference Groups and Standing Committees, where we actively engage with Government Departments and Agencies including:

Victorian Civil Construction Industry Alliance

Consisting of more than 20 industry groups, the Alliance provides a vehicle for Government to engage with a broad cross-section of the civil construction sector.

Incolink Safety Insights Forum

A regular monthly discussion forum exchanging insights into safety issues arising in the construction industry. Attended by member organisations and construction unions.

Victorian Skills Commissioner – Industry Advisory Group (IAG)

This State Government initiative provides a structured way for industry, unions and employers to inform and engage with the VET training system in building the capacity and capability of the construction sectors to meet and deliver the critical infrastructure needs in Victoria.

Foundations for Safety Victoria (FFSV)

Coordinated and chaired by WorkSafe, the FFSV Committee and its sub-committees are aimed at reducing the construction industry’s incidents of deaths, injuries, and diseases.

WorkSafe Priority Harms Forum

The Priority Harms Forum focuses on priority harms related to high-risk construction work. CCF is able to advise and influence WorkSafe  on emerging industry trends and provision of appropriate training. This forum is designed to provide industry representatives with the opportunity to influence the development of new OH&S Regulations and to guide modern work practices and compliance codes that are being updated to reflect these regulations.

WorkSafe Safety Guidance Workshops

CCF Victoria participates in working groups for the development of industry guidance material. Recent groups have included Prevention of Falls, Safe work Method Statements (SWMS), Pocket Construction Guide Book, Concrete Pumping Industry Standard, Crystalline Silica in Construction, and Trench Safety.

Engineering Design & Construction Manual (EDCM) Technical Committee

Engineering Design and Construction Manual Technical Committee for the emerging and Growth Area Councils. Chaired by the VPA and convenes on an as-needs basis.

AusNet Developer Consultative Committee (DCC)

A regular consultative forum for the land development industry to discuss trends in energy infrastructure delivery and issues with safety and technical compliance. Other members include ALDE, Master Builders/Plumbers and unions/ETU.

Water Industry Liaison Committee (WILC)

CCF is actively engaged in this representative forum to address water industry policy, accreditation, process, design and construction issues.

Victorian Electrical Distribution Network (VEDN) Committee

CCF Victoria actively engage with the VEDN Committee, providing input and advice for the development of the VESI Urban Design Standards and the VEDN Construction of Underground Electrical Infrastructure training package. (Note: CCF Victoria is not a VEDN Committee Member but works closely with the VEDN Committee in representation of industry and membership.)

Energy Safe Victoria (ESV): Workforce Engagement Consultative Committee (WECC)

CCF Victoria provides advice and input on issues relating to safety in the energy industry. We are currently advocating for the development of safety and construction guidelines for civil construction in the renewable energy industry.

CCF worked with ESV and WorkSafe during the development of guidance relating to work near underground services and provides training.

LGIDA Technical Committee (Local Government)

The Local Government Infrastructure Design Association (LGIDA) and its accompanying technical and design standards for Regional Councils. Operates under VPA overview. (Note: CCF Victoria is NOT a LGIDA Technical Committee member but attends in an Observer capacity.)

For more information on CCF’s Representation work, contact our team on 03 9588 7600 or email ccfvic@ccfvic.com.au.