- Representation
- Victorian Civil Construction Industry Alliance
- Major Transport Infrastructure Authority (MTIA) COVID19 Consultative Forum
- Building & Construction Industry Working Group
- Victorian Skills Commissioner – Industry Advisory Group (IAG)
- Civil Skills Cadetship (CSC) Working Group
- Worksafe – Foundations for Safety Victoria (FSV) Committee
- Worksafe – Traffic Management, Noise & Confined Space, Prevention of Falls and High-Risk Construction Reference Committees
- Positive Plans – Positive Futures (MHIF) Working Group
- EPA Strategic Advisory Board and Construction Industry Reference Groups
- Water Industry Liaison Committee (WILC)
- ESV & VEDN Industry Representative Groups
- LGIDA Technical Committee (Local Government)
CCF represents the interests of members on a wide range of industry issues through participation in key Reference Groups and Standing Committees, where we actively engage with Government Departments and Agencies including:
Victorian Civil Construction Industry Alliance
Consisting of more than 20 industry groups, the Alliance provides a vehicle for Government to engage with a broad cross-section of the civil construction sector.
Major Transport Infrastructure Authority (MTIA) COVID19 Consultative Forum
Chaired by the Minister for Transport Infrastructure, the Hon Jacinta Allan, and joined by the Office of the Director General MTIA, Corey Hannet, this combined group of construction unions, key employer group representatives, including CCF Victoria – CEO, has been established to provide on-going consultation and work co-operatively to address current workplace challenges under COVID-19.
Building & Construction Industry Working Group
Facilitated by the Chair, Victorian Independent Disputes Panel (VIDP), a working party of unions and Industry Associations directly involved in the Building and Construction Industry, with the support of the Victorian State Government, was established in April 2020, for the purposes of preparing and maintaining a set of safety guidelines, and ongoing consultative advice during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Victorian Skills Commissioner – Industry Advisory Group (IAG)
This State Government initiative provides a structured way for industry, unions and employers to inform and engage with the VET training system in building the capacity and capability of the construction sectors to meet and deliver the critical infrastructure needs in Victoria.
Civil Skills Cadetship (CSC) Working Group
Under the State Government’s Workforce Training Innovative Fund (WTIF) Skills First initiative, this as an industry working group helping to guide the delivery of CCF’s CSC program, which will conclude on 31 March 2021.
Worksafe – Foundations for Safety Victoria (FSV) Committee
Facilitated by Worksafe, the FSV Committee is aimed at reducing the construction industry’s incidents of deaths, injuries, and diseases. CCF is also representing your interests on specific project reference groups auspiced by FSV including Dogging & Rigging in construction and Underground Services.
Worksafe – Traffic Management, Noise & Confined Space, Prevention of Falls and High-Risk Construction Reference Committees
These committees are designed to provide industry representatives with the opportunity to influence the development of new OH&S Regulations, and to guide modern work practices and compliance codes that are being updated to reflect these regulations.
Positive Plans – Positive Futures (MHIF) Working Group
Under the WorkSafe WorkWell Mental Health Improvement Fund, the Positive Plans – Positive Futures Program aims to make mental health and wellbeing a priority in Victorian workplaces through access to resources, funding and knowledge sharing. This working group supports CCF state-wide initiative aiming to use Mental Health Action Plans as a key driver to reduce work related stress, burn out and improve mental health outcomes for young workers and senior professionals in the civil construction industry.
EPA Strategic Advisory Board and Construction Industry Reference Groups
CCF in participating in these respective forums in preparation for the introduction of the EPA Amendment Bill (2018) on 1 July 2021. These forums are designed to to ensure member / contractor specific environmental queries are raised, discussed and actioned.
Water Industry Liaison Committee (WILC)
CCF is actively engaged in this representative forum to address water industry policy, process, design and construction issues.
ESV & VEDN Industry Representative Groups
CCF is actively engaged with Powercor, VEDN & ESV Technical Reference Groups, providing advice to these authorities regarding the impact of decisions made during the concept, design and construction stages of projects.
LGIDA Technical Committee (Local Government)
CCF is represented on the Local Government Infrastructure Design Association (LGDIA) and its accompanying EDCM Committee for emerging councils.
For more information on CCF’s Representation work, contact our team on 03 9588 7600 or email ccfvic@ccfvic.com.au.