CCF Victoria congratulates the Hon. Jacinta Allan MP on becoming the state’s 49th Premier.
Premier Allan has been instrumental in championing civil infrastructure, employment for Victorians and, specifically, skills training opportunities for women as well as other social priorities through her extensive work in government. We look forward to working with the new Allan Administration on these and other critical policy platforms that remain central to the civil construction and infrastructure sector.
“Premier Allan has highlighted the significant housing crisis and related infrastructure challenges as a key focus for her government,” CCF Victoria CEO Lisa Kinross said.
“CCF Victoria remains committed to working collaboratively with government and industry stakeholders to ensure civil infrastructure development in Victoria is delivered in a sustainable, long-term manner that maximises positive outcomes for the community.
“In addressing the media, Premier Allan also spoke of the ‘place and role that women have in every sector of the state’ – this includes apprenticeships and stable employment opportunities for women in the civil construction industry, which our new Pathways program directly addresses.
“Premier Allan is a strong supporter of this cause and of our industry and we look forward to working collaboratively with the new Allan Government, industry and community stakeholders to achieving our common goals.”
For media enquiries and interview requests, contact:
Simon Mossman
Executive Manager – Policy and Public Relations, CCF Victoria
0451 660 980
About the CCF
The CCF is the peak national representative body for the Australian civil construction industry representing over 1,900 civil construction companies across the construction supply chain in all jurisdictions ranging from tier 1, 2, 3, 4, SMEs and sole trader business owners.