VEDN has asked that our members are reminded that anyone seeking accreditation as civil construction auditor must have also completed the new Civil Contractor “VEDN Installation of Underground Electrical Infrastructure” formerly or historically known as module 1 training.
The new VEDN training standard has been updated to align with the ESV No Go Zone regulatory requirements, (as outlined by the Electrical Safety regulations General 2019 and the new Harmonisation for Urban Residential Development (URD) Design and construction standards). All Civil and Electrical auditors and installers (including plant operators) must complete the new training package to be current with all the above regulations and standards.
You will be required to submit evidence of this training as part of your Accreditation Approval.
All applicants making submission for VEDN accreditation or VEDN pre-qualification on or after 01/01/2023 relating to either civil or auditor Accreditations must include training evidence showing that all persons involved in all aspects of electrical infrastructure installation have completed this training which was made available to RTO’s on April 1st, 2022.
The installation of electrical infrastructure includes, but is not limited to:
· Machine operation for trenching and backfilling,
· Installation of marker tape and conduits,
· Installation of poles and pits,
· Installation of earth systems,
· Substation site construction, and
· Cable hauling
For further information on our VEDN Auditor Training please see our VEDN course registration page