Infrastructure Australia’s updated Market Capacity 2023 Report reinforces the opportunity for governments of all levels to work more collaboratively with the construction sector to urgently fix issues threatening Australia’s future infrastructure, housing and energy agenda.
Civil Contractors Federation Victoria said the report released today totally validates the findings of the Industry Capacity Constraints White Paper, published jointly with UDIA Victoria and the Association of Land Development Engineers (ALDE) in September.
“Infrastructure Australia (IA) concedes that severe skills, labour and materials shortages are at all-time highs and will threaten the country’s future civil infrastructure, housing and energy needs if not urgently addressed,” CCF Victoria CEO Lisa Kinross said.
“Pointedly, as one example IA calls out ‘acute quarry shortages in Melbourne’ as a factor contributing to price uncertainty in the supply chain, leading to delays and cost overruns.
“Then, there are the substantial labour and skills shortages – all while construction activity and demand remain historically high.
“We’ve known these issues for some time. This is a complete validation of the many findings and recommendations in our own industry research White Paper.
“We hope this translates into action and we look forward to working more collaboratively and productively with the state and federal governments.”
CCF Victoria said it was encouraging to note Infrastructure Australia’s raft of recommendations to address specific issues but that all efforts need to focus on fixing the entire ecosystem and structure to best prioritise productivity.
“As well as fixing the system and specific issues identified, any reform needs to ensure our civil construction, land and urban development industries remain sustainable over the long term,” Ms Kinross said.
“Industry stands ready to help the government achieve its infrastructure objectives, which can only be achieved by all stakeholders including state government, unions, the industry training sector and suppliers working as one on collaboratively built solutions.”
For media enquiries and interview requests, contact:
Simon Mossman
Executive Manager – Policy and Public Relations, CCF Victoria
0451 660 980
About the CCF
The CCF is the peak national representative body for the Australian civil construction industry representing over 1,900 civil construction companies across the construction supply chain in all jurisdictions ranging from tier 1, 2, 3, 4, SMEs and sole trader business owners.