Our charges are changing
Every 5 years, we review our prices and services. We call this a price submission and its main
purpose is to make sure our business decisions best reflect your priorities and deliver on what you
value most. The Essential Services Commission, our independent regulator, reviews our price
submission. It’s their job to make sure our prices for water and services protect your interests.

What is changing and when?
New customer contributions, applications and connections fees are increasing. Below is a table of
the proposed new customer contributions fees applicable for 2023–24

The new customer contributions will apply for new applications received from 1 July 2023 and the
reassessment of existing Development Agreements where new customer contributions were not
paid within 3 months from the Offer Letter date.

A full list of the new prices and charges will be available on our website at
southeastwater.com.au/buildingprices from 1 July 2023.