To: CCF Victoria staff, members and stakeholders.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – From the CEO desk.
6.00pm Friday, 7 August 2020
Good evening.
At the time of producing this update, we are awaiting confirmation of Stage 4 restrictions, guidelines and definitions as it relates to the Building & Construction industry, including civil.
Number of Covid-19 cases in Victoria
Today, Friday, 7 August 2020, There were 450 new positive cases reported in Victoria and 5 in the building and construction industry yesterday. In a particularly disappointing development, a form-worker continued to work on one site for 2 days after being required to self-isolate. This led to a closure of the site, deep cleaning and a rapid response by the Incolink/APC/CMS team. |
Building and Construction Industry Work – Stage 4 Restrictions
Following extensive representations on your behalf, the State Government is expected to release this evening a revised Guidance document for the Construction sector under Melbourne’s Stage 4 restrictions. This will appear when authorised by the Victorian Chief Health Officer, on the Business Victoria website.
Following broad consultation with the Building & Construction Industry Working Group, these revised guidelines are expected to include the substance of the amendments proposed to clarify various aspects of the Guidelines. I encourage all CCF members to continue check the following websites for:
- Revised Guidelines: , together with the Restricted Directions Activity to regularly review the guidelines published on the Business Victoria website, together with the Restricted Activity Directions on the DHHS website
As we commence operating in this new environment from tomorrow, there will be many further questions and issues which arise on your projects. The answers should be framed around the government’s primary objective of the Stage 4 Restrictions, which is to restrict movement (and therefore transmission of the virus) of people on sites and in the community.
A comprehensive set of Q & As is expected to be available in conjunction with the published guidance. There will be a nominated body established to respond to specific industry questions and issues in relation to the Guidance. Any questions CCF members may have in relation to these revised Guidelines can submit these by email to and we will on-forward to Government for their consideration, use and response.
(please note – CCF will not be responding directly to the questions, this is for government to consider and include in their published Q&A section).
Have a great weekend and I will provide a further update to you upon the formal release of the guidelines.
Until my next update tomorrow …. keep safe – keep well.
Kind regards
John Kilgour
CEO, CCF Victoria