News | 21 June
To: CCF Victoria staff, members and stakeholders.
The Premier of Victoria has announced a number of changes to restrictions from 11.59pm on 21 June 2020. The Premier’s Statement is attached for more information:
From 11:59pm on Sunday, 21 June:
- The number of visitors you can have at your home will reduce to five (from the current limit of ten).
- Outside the home, families and friends can meet in groups up to ten.
- Restaurants, pubs, auction halls, community halls, libraries, museums and places of worship – will all stay at a maximum of 20 people in any one space until 12 July.
- Businesses that were set to open on Monday like gyms, cinemas, theatres and TABs can do so – but again, only with a maximum of 20.
- Community sport for kids and non-contact competition for adults can proceed as planned.
- Ski season and accommodation facilities with communal spaces will also open, but with increased screening and safeguards in place.
- The Premier today (20 June) announced a new $1500 payment for those who have a confirmed case or are a close contact and who can’t rely on sick leave. This is about making sure there’s no financial reason for these people not to isolate and to go to work instead.
- Those who can work from home continue to do so at least until 31 July. And if you do have people on the job – having a zero-tolerance approach to sickness. Having symptoms must mean you go home, and you get tested.
Guidelines for the Building & Construction (B&C) Industry (version 4) are currently being reviewed, with a further meeting to finalise this review set for this Tuesday, 23 June 2020. We will forward you a link to the revised guidelines, once they have been endorsed and released to us by DHHS.
Kind regards
John Kilgour
CEO, CCF Victoria