Please be advised that Infrastructure Australia (IA) is currently seeking submissions from government and non-government bodies for the 2021 Infrastructure Priority List (IPL).  Submissions are open until 31 August 2020 and are being invited across all infrastructure sectors including energy, water, transport, telecommunications and social infrastructure.   

The public submission process may provide CCF members with an opportunity to positively engage with their relevant state or territory infrastructure agency on the development of their submission/s and to provide industry support for project submissions with a civil infrastructure focus.

Separate to the IPL process, CCF National has commenced discussions with IA on the development of the next Australian Infrastructure Plan, which provides a roadmap for infrastructure reform that responds to issues raised in the 2019 Australian Infrastructure Audit.  CCF National’s input to the Australian Infrastructure Plan will be based on the five policy pillars in Constructing Australia.

The IPL is a list of nationally significant investments and is intended to provide advice to the Government to guide its future infrastructure investments. It is a live document and made up of two broad groups: 

  • Projects are infrastructure solutions to a defined problem or opportunity for which a full business case has been completed by the proponent and positively evaluated by Infrastructure Australia.
  • Initiatives are potential infrastructure problems / opportunities or ‘early stage’ solutions for which a business case has not yet been completed. Initiatives are identified through a collaborative process between proponents and Infrastructure Australia, using the Australian Infrastructure Audit and other data as evidence of infrastructure needs.

The current Infrastructure Priority List (July 2020) is attached to this email.


2020 Current Infrastructure Priority List:

Information on the IPL:

Information on the submission process, including state 1 and stage 2 templates and the IA Assessment Framework,

Further information

Contact IA on (02) 8114 1900 or email