Revision 6 of the Guidelines have been released 28th July 2020, after governor in council approval of a new WorkSafe regulation to make Coronavirus a notifiable incident. The industry guidelines remain the most comprehensive set of instructions and information available to the industry which if followed, provide the best possible defence to any serious outbreak.
Whilst are seeing a steady trickle of positive cases from community transmissions, we have been spared the worst of the outbreaks that are occurring in other industries or locations. Following the introduction of temperature testing and mandatory wearing of face masks, there are very few if any initiatives left to introduce. So now is the time for developers, contactors and safety managers / representatives to get out there and promote and enforce the implementation of the guidelines on construction sites – to stay the course and stay well.
- Revision 6 of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidelines for the Building and Construction Industry Victoria, approved and released last night, 28 July 2020;
- Explanatory note released with revision 6 covering the major changes to the guidelines;