Prices start from $0 to eligible candidates.

Up to two Government Funded short courses per year

CCF Victoria is pleased to announce that in conjunction with the Victorian Government Dept of Education & Training’s Skills for Economic Recovery Initiative, we are offering government subsidised short course training to people looking to join or seek new work in the construction industry. 

What is Skills First funding? 

Skills First is a Victorian Government program that provides access to government-subsidised training for courses in growth industries. If you are eligible, your tuition fees will be lower. 

22597VIC – Course in Workplace Spotting for Service Assets (1 Day)

– VU23165 – Observe and manage the safe operation of plant and equipment around overhead and underground assets

CONISS014 – Enter and work in confined spaces (2 Days)

– RIIWHS202E – Enter and Work in Confined Spaces
– MSMPER200 – Work in accordance with an Issued Permit
– HLTAID009 – Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

CONISS012 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry (White card) (1 day)

– CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry

CONISS022 – Remove non-friable asbestos (1 Day)

– CPCCDE3014 – Remove non-friable asbestos

CONISS021 – Trenching and Shoring Skill Set (2 Days)

– RIICCM206E Support Plant Operations
– RIICCM210E Install Trench Support
– RIIRIS201E Conduct Local Risk Control

Eligibility Requirements

From 1 January 2024, you need to meet these requirements to be eligible for Skills First subsidised training: 

an Australian citizen, a holder of an Australian permanent visa or a New Zealand citizen 

Physical location 
physically present in the state of Victoria or specific border postcodes (from NSW and SA) while undertaking the training and assessment. 

Course limits 
In a calendar year, you may only commence a maximum of four programs with a limit of two from each category and two at a time: 

  • Skills First subsidised Skill Sets; and  
  • Skills First subsidised programs that are AQF qualifications. 

Other Requirements 

  • Aged 17 years or more at the time of commencement. 
  • Must have a USI Number (get your USI
  • Expected to have a minimum literacy, numeracy and digital skills equivalent to year 10. 
  • Individuals must not have previously completed the Skill Set they are currently seeking to enrol in. 

For more information, contact our team on (03) 9588 7600 or email

Group Onsite Training Available

The Govt Subsidised short courses can also be picked up as part of a group onsite training program (eligibility and consent will be required from each participant individually).  Other fees and charges for onsite training will be applicable. 

Course Fees, Charges, Complaints and Refund 

Please refer to CCF Victoria’s Fees, Charges and Refund Policy

Enrolment and eligibility:

Students are required to provide eligibility documentation during enrolment. Should all required evidence is not received and complete for each participant at least 3 full business days prior to course commencement, full fees will apply, and the government subsidised fee will not be applicable. 

Please Note:
An enrolment in a course does not guarantee successful completion, nor does it guarantee an employment outcome.

RTO ID # 3704